Wednesday, June 28, 2006
@ 9:06 AM
sick of putting the frigging pics!
something is wrong with the previous post!
so im writing it on a new post.
now im having maths lesson!!
wanted to pon ten sch decided to come in the end as i wan to keeep my 2 days off for the last 2 weeks~!
past few days were a breeze...
came back to school... and is like simply boring...
nothing to do also. back to rj! ! !
people who read my blog better go drop me a testi..
i miss all my gy peeps...
hope to see u people soon !
maple lvl 45 tonight!
Monday, June 26, 2006
@ 1:26 PM
eating a chunk of kaya!
carol's lunch!

me n miao! acting it out!

3 gurl n the guy!
top right: samantha, joanne
btm: me! jorin ( sam sui)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
@ 2:46 PM
im back!! and it has been decades since i uploaded pics!
so, yea! here are the pics!
back to school already!
boring, waking up early....

my new bag! le coq!!!

my new nike!!!

MANDARIN BALLROOM! these 3 are my frigging tbls!


me jaz and tiney again! while watching X-men!
tiney's fav stance!

wonder where i have been hiding myself?
working at mandarin hotel! went back!
gtg already
now having science lesson!
frigging boring...
p.s. i still miss my ah go go, ruby , jm, clair, sng.... and all my gy peeps...
LAST BUT NOT LEAST MY 4E3! looking forward to the gathering!!! woooo!!!
Friday, June 16, 2006
@ 1:40 AM
you were my best fren!
the gal of my dreams.
someone that i yearn to see everyday.
tt frigging person tt caused me so much unfounded worries,
cos you are out so damn late.
that innocent smile you gave when i looked into ur eyes.
well, sad to say, all good things come to an end.
and to this, it too came too an end, too fast an end!
MAYBE it was retribution, that God led to another path,
to the far far path that we no longer had the link!
you seldom call. you are attached. i don hear from u.
absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder.
if i had the chance, i wud erase everything, all my cowardice and all!
and confess the whole truth earlier and perhaps PERHAPS, things may turn out different.
i miss you my trusted fren!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
@ 1:50 PM
ever wondered wat life is?
life isnt about keeping score.
its not about the number of people who call you
neither is it about who u are dating and who u arent.
its not about kissing that guy of ur dreams nor the guy or girl that likes you.
also not about the colour of your skin, your race, grades. money.
last but not least, it is also not about whether u are accepted or unaccepted.
Life isnt jus that....
but life is about who u love and who you hurt.
its about how you feel about yourself.
its about trust, happiness and compassion.
its about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love.
its about what u say and wat u mean.
its about seeing people for who they are, not they have.
Adam Fendelman.
the chicken soup..
loves everyone!
Friday, June 02, 2006
@ 9:59 AM
im finaly back to update again!
so, ermms.finally its the holiday and today is the last day of school!
had some photos that i wan to show ppl!
NICE can!

cam whoring in class!

joanne's reaction: now that upload...
don feel like putting photo already.
so, urm. when to work ytd.
turn out tt everyone remembered us!
and it seemed to fun agin
but when the dinner started those annoying guest asked for countless glasses of wine!
as if they nver drank b4 in their life,
like, so omg!
i was so frigging busy.
heard that orhard got sales!!!! :]
gonna go charge there soon i think!
anw, take care ppl!
its the hols! don get urself all warped up!!!