Thursday, July 27, 2006
@ 9:27 PM
well, im feeling rather down..
i miss 4e3 .. i miss ah go go.. goodness..
seriously i miss the time, we dash across roads in old campus..
where me n juan go laughing out loud in bio..
when me n nico cramp our mind with work..
the time we pissed joey off with our horrid results..
if only we can turn back time..
i don mind retaking the O's again.. just to remicise the times we had..
im thinking all the past.. graduation day, ken's frequent sms reminders..
playing catching in school.. hidding under chairs, pushing the tcher's rolling chairs..
spoiling the extinguisher..
to those reading..
my juniors in gyss, treasure the time in gyss, when u graduate u will sure miss it..
people in rp, lets go back to the past and enjoy the scenes in our dreams.. :]
well, i guess i gotta go. i posted twice.. hahah! :]
@ 7:11 PM
im feeling emo today..
i see that everyone is busy with their lives..
tiney, with her school work..
jaz with her rugby..
jy with her studying...
and the others are like.. going well with their lives..
im alone here.. stuck and pondering..
i went for the course talk today..
im seriously against RP.. i don like the system..
and im not sure if im taking the right path..
well, seriously, i came into Pharmaceutical Sciences//
jus to please my mum.. i yearn to do a business.
not that my results don allow me too.. i got into good business course..
im considering going JC next year.
or going to NP to take mass comm.
i believe that the rice bowl is not important..
what exactly matters is the interest..
i believe that i can no longer cope with science..
neither is pharmaceutical sciences..
im feeling fugly and i have no frens..
weihow :] i wrote here at 7.16pm..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
@ 9:13 PM
im afraid!im so seriously wondering what the hell.well, here it goes..i was on the way home with sam today..when i alighted at bishan, it was jus another ordinary day home..however, i saw ppl i haven seen in decades.. CLAIR, SHEENA( see her at times) and their fren (Yi Jun or smth LOL)if here was what happened altogether, i would have been extremely delighted..HOWEVER,to my aghast, as we were chatting, this OLD AUNTY appeared out of no where..and she was wearing red.. wat was worse, she keep standing close to mie.. and she was stalking and following whereever i went..i was seriously annoyed.. and scared..den, this happened,there was a turn of events...Sheena went towards Jurong East and Clair and her fren went towards MArina..The aunty walked towards to the Jurong EAst side and stopped tailing us..den all hell broke loose.. there were incessant screamings and to my horror, the aunty sort of attempted to commit suicide... by jumping off the platform jus as the train was taking off..MRT Officers took over, by getting the passengers out.. and the already horrified me had left the station not wiiling to catch any excitment...i was so scared and i started caling people up to talk till i reached home..and finally, im home.. in one was such a serious fright and i swear, walking in bishan mrt would never be the same again..weihow :[
@ 1:41 PM
i got a new blogskin!
thanks to sama mon..

at sakae sushi.. nerd face.. with edison's specs.. well there are actually more, but was too fugly..
hahha! anyway. im having maths today..
was like freakkingg boringg..
hahaha! decided to come and post a blog..
im still wondering wat to say.
hahaha! anyway, i wan to tok about monday..
i was having a BJ Mission INterview.
IN case u ppl were wondering, it means broadcast journalist..
it turn out horrid, cos i was supposed to speak in CHinese..
but i blabberedd everything in english.. doubt have chance already!
another fugly pic..
haha, going back to play my crazy taxi!
Monday, July 24, 2006
@ 11:07 PM
FRIDAY: out with the gang at citylink.. cam war on the way there..

SATURDAY:saw half a bus on a stretch in amk.was actually part of the Child Care thing.

SATURDAY NIGHT: supposed to watch pirates but since Jaz late den plan abolished.. instead went cam whoring.. LOL!

SUNDAY: went out with nicholas.. den went shopping.. brought some stuff.. BUT suprisingly, that wasnt the highlight, it was the TCC CRAP we had, the pics would tell.. 
nice fork sia!
royal blackforest n cheesecake :) slurp slurp
here comes the disaster: mighty joe ( tall glass) , chocolate affagatto, damn freakkingg bitter, don drink it.

savouring every bit of the bitterness
i end here! :]
today was a horrid day, i let pat down..
Saturday, July 22, 2006
@ 10:49 PM
today went out with some gy peeps...
joel, jazreel and chrstine..
supposedly going to watch pirates but plan failed.
too many people le..
all the sits are like selling fast, and to make matters worst..
Jazreel tan was late..
im not blaming u ar..
went pasta mania instead and it was nice!
not the pasta, cos i din eat, it was the catching up!
and after pasta, went cam whoring..
but before that, sam told me some reli farnie things..
apparently after seeing rayson's friendster,
i heard some songs and i wanted to put a song on my frenster.
so i wrote him a testi, asking how to make the song.
but it turn out that his frenster song was from a testi..
our first pic..

no intro needed, they are the regulars in my blog.. freako nana, going to laugh at my top! :]

thats all for today.. its another weekend spend out..
weihow. :] no one can make u feel inferior without your consent....
Thursday, July 20, 2006
@ 11:29 AM

was on the way home... haha!! and took some pics..
the only day that i was without sam on the way home! LOL!
peaceful day... hahahha! NO OFFENCE SAM!

rona.. otherwise popularly known as DOG!

me rona and mee goreng... LOL!
hahaha.. so that was all.. nothing much..
just wanna add the pics.. LOL!!
we are having come cognitive today..
and the topic, ON PIZZA HUT!!!
hahahaaha... so thats all!
bye people :]
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
@ 7:59 PM
i haven blogged about today..
was busy with listening to the huang dong in the first meeting..
but since he started on the worksheet, i began to be off track..
but as usual, maths aint my forte, it isnt suprising that i will fail or smth..
well, so passed the boring day with minute amount of laughter..
the only farnie part, flooding other people's tag board and testimonial.. LOL!! haha!
even the train ride wasnt as extravagant as usual, until the part we saw the MS MONKEY!
other one of sam's creation..
i dono why, been feeling kinda wrong these days..
the thought of frenship kept running through my mind..
definitely there is smth wrong..
one thing is for sure, i don like to be used, a person that u call when u are bored or smth..
that is not frens, but lonely chasers..
well, the grades aint well these days..
long scoring A modules are going down to Bs..
perhaps is just that im too tired.. the ridiculous PBL needs me to perform my best..
i guess B for BEST!!
indeed time passed so fast.. remicising the past.. last yr this time, me kim grace ken were playing catching..
busy mugging for my Os...
goodnesss.. but despite life being how bad..
i knw that there are just that few that i could always count on..
the phone is jus a line away..
alrights.. guess today im done with sufficient typing..
and haswan is freakkingg me out again..
SAMSUI is getting me to eat my congee..
NANA getting me to mop the floor..
@ 6:23 PM
the new song i put into my blog! and the slide show on the left..
hope u all enjoy it.. :]
anyway the song is called my destiny..
here are the lyrics...
I have always dreamed of thisI'll admit there was something I missedwondering if this is for realevery mistake every wrong turneverytime i lost my waylet me to moment of bliss tonightwith you, finally I can break freewith you, some changing in my destinydream come true, its so funny now that I seehow different life turned out to beYou were always by my sideThat you believed in me was enough reason whyI didn't stop, i didn't give upeven if i sometimes lost hopeI did my best, and I am blessedin lovewith you, finally I can break freewith you, some changing in my destiny dream come true, its so funny now that I seehow different life turned out to becan I get any highertell medoes it get any strongerI always dreamedthat I made it throughnever could have done it without youWith you.... yeah.... I can break freesome changing in my destinydream come true, its so funny now that I seehow different life turned out to be.(3x)I realised that it's my destinyhope u all enjoy it!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
@ 10:46 AM
went out again!!! yesterday! with shopping clique!
nicholas and xin min...
here are some of the flicks...

the first stop.. ZARA!
the first stop to the adventure of shopping for goodies...

went to ramen ten to eat jap food!!
and eat man

After filling our stomachs, we went to walk walk agn!!

a damn nice top from espirit.. but it does not look tat nice on foto though..

the other top!!!!

nicholas lau, the zi lian kuang!!
good looking la.. hAppy???
after the whole day....
so freakkingg tired..
den went home and play maple...
died twice when i went to see 'BIG' things...
thanks to rene!!
alrights.. gtg to get my ppt done..
Saturday, July 15, 2006
@ 6:58 PM
since the day i watch the show 15,
i thot on a part of the show.
which is on frenship...
how long can we be friends with the people we treasure now?
for me, i think that there are no friends forever, but i believe that there frens as long as i live..
(sounds familiar?)
i believe that with the faith that i harbour..
i will be able to maintain the friendship with all the people that i treasure.
but will you people treasure the friendship i have with you? :]
it better be a YES!
However, life isnt as pleasant and happy as it seemed to be...
i recently asked someone..
ME: eh, why haven you been hanging out with your cliques?
FREN A: ohh, cos i was running out of clothes and i don want to be seen as someone who keeps repeating.
FREN A: so now that i recharge i can continue hanging out with them...
omg.. i felt so farking hell of used...
im very confident that jy and jaz should know who i am toking bout...
since they are the usual sensitive few..
anyway, ending the sad topic...
there are always a glimpse of light when you are in total darkness...
some of that light that shone into my life are:
- freakingg funny incidents that made me and sam laugh our asses off, on the long journey home... [ raw fresh, sleepy, sliding bags]
- having two reli splendid besties in SEC SCH that i could pour my woes on...
- having sam sui , joanne, samamon as companions in school...
- nazzer or popularly known as nana... cracking all his jokes on dumplings and saliva..
- and some others who im nt gonna mention, cos it is going to take decades...
have been thinking on it for some time...
i think that the RP PBL system seriously sucks..
maybe it is because the past few years are comfortable with people spoon feeding me with info..
i feel lost at times, not sure if poly was the right route.
or was it JC?
problematic life..
however, im doing perfectly well in RP.
i haven forgotten u ppl, is jus that im havg a major change in my life..
i need time to adjust..
im lvl 49 already! congratulate me@! whee...
gtg alr!
p.s. it has been decades since i wrote so much in my blog!
Friday, July 14, 2006
@ 11:07 AM
this is going to be a short post..
only gg to post the photos..
here it goes...



3 ppl yearning to wear formals! NICE JACKETS!
when are we going to join the work force?


wat an innovative invite!
all those who know him are invited!
thnk me jASON! i did free publicity for u!
gtg now!
bye ppl!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
@ 1:52 PM

cam whore in class again! with my jacket from MCP

hahaha! ^ nithiya got caught in the pic!
more cam whores!
my next career! : MODEL! LOL!

anyway! todae's module was cognitive.
damn freaking boring!
doing smth bout candles!!!!
see, at least now i update everyday!
JM, call me asap when u see this!!!!
weihow :]
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
@ 1:21 PM

hahaha! finally went out to gelare on a tuesday!
went with the rich man! NICO LAU! of course he
was the one tt dragged me to town!
lugging my laptop and my tua bag!

got a freakingg queue number '26', sat down and began
doing my rj! decided to take some sneak shots!
sneak shot one! poor fool trying to act but apparently failed!
caught a fugly photo! ^^
finally my pancake came! cookies and cream!
walked around TOWN today! saw a damn nice stussy
and a ripcurl top that nico claimed to be nice!
BUT i din spent larhs! i keep a complete control on myself!
i will update everyday.. as in i try lor!
heard of ppl gg OCH in the evening? (6 plus) LOL///
today's maths lesson freakingg boring, end up having some
laughing fits! about some GOLD!
gtg now ppl!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
@ 9:52 PM

hey people! hahaha! i dono why is tt pic up there?
but, hahha! i cant adjust it.
Anyway, im so sorry, but these were the pics i taken at peiyu dad's funeral.
not tt im a sucker or wat!
haha! its back to simple cam whoring!


all the freakingg cam whoring started with his pose!

haha! me and mic tried to squeezed into the "hole"
so the past few days,
busy being illed thanks to KUMAR!
who passed me the frigging illness!
that caused the entire class in FULL illness.
ppl coughing and sneezing their asses off!
im fine these days!
hope you ppl are fine..
drop me a message soon!
i haven tok to clair for decades!
hahah! and some other freakos!
tmmr i will upload today's fotos!