Tuesday, October 31, 2006
@ 3:17 AM
before i get to updating, i wan to congratulate myself for reaching
POST NUMBER 90! LOL. for someone who does not love to write, it is a ACHEIVEMENT!
alright the whole of last week was extremely busy huh.
one short summary: and audrey, i finally rmbred wheere i went, LOL!
stayed in school with miao to wait for edison and heng, goodness, toook tons of pics which i have yet to upload. paiseh soon soon. LOL.
suppose to go to Fathima house but due to some emergencies, could not make it, SORRY! (:
school, ordinary mundane. the only wed without UT! all these UTs are already so making me insane.
another mundane day at school, well, it was SCHOOL, u cant actually expect much with the PBL, but the funs thing is the people there.
ended up gg town with eeen cause both our intended friends pissed us off, yeap. ate uncle's free ice cream, HAATO at wheelock, TRY RUM AND RASIN! it is yummylicious!
out with miao, (: went town and got a hair cut, this time, it was impressive, u would believe, NICE! haha, i think it was, told the dresser, i want a new style, end result: NICE! haha. and also, celebrated desmond birthday with hualong, alex and heng with miao also.
novena, cathay, PS, Marina, Suntec, Raffles City with Felix, gracious, i din know there were so much technologies involved in the shoes etc, and felix intro-ed a darn nice metrosexual bag. $149! time to start saving and get buying. it is seriously nice. hope those typical ah mao ah gou don go carrying it. haha, and felix, no harm walking! i enjoyed! (:
today: or rather ytsd with the time now.
spent another day laughing ridiculously in school. was fine but the UT was not! i stress NOT fine at all, asking all those ulumala questions making me so wrecked.
1 NOVEMBER is the last day for the application of the course transfer, was initally set on getting out of SAS( SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE) and choosing integrated events management or business application, but aft wat DENNIS (GYSS) told me, i felt so so true, pharmacy is indeed one course that is good and i meant GOOOD with excellent career prospects. an endless trade. something that is always needed esp in times like now with all the illness etc etc. making me in a severe dilenma. urgh!
so i see, making it all fine and out by urself. alrights, guess its better this way. not making it ugly ? (: im fine with it actually, i found more true friends and better friends. like apple. they are the true, sincere kind of friend, u know wat xiao ping, the things you told me today made an impact. it did! the things u said, make me felt so indifferent about u.
Lunch Buds:
i found the term moolars used by sama extremely amusing, must take note. and lets have one lunch gathering soon, im already missing the shadows of all of u people alr.! (:
tennis on wed, im getting into some sport but is trying out all the sprts. i may not be in the apprpriate size or watever, but still i love sports. it is going to be a joke but i love some running at times. so, W26B, pls be more encouraging, its tough saying a confession out loud! (: people of w26b better jolly well come okays! our first class gathering.
17 november 2006 : GYSS HOMECOMING DAY. lets see 17 days more to go. so excited, to meet everyone back in school again. FUN FUN FUN!
alrights, im getting back to my sleep. its 3.30 already. freakking tiredd.
SHAKE UR ASS AT ME. (hidden msg meant for errhem)
weihow (:
i be my joy and escape
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
@ 2:59 PM
miss is an understatement.
i have given up all hopes. no more reply, no entanglements.
it is because of you, im a labelled 'psk' by the lunchies.
that things are like so strained because i left them during the hols.
making like pi**** so annoyed, everyone so distanced
its because of ur farking attitude, ur insistence.
ya, i know, it was my choice. I should have refused. but its because i weigh the ties we have.
im so tired. very very tired to keep up with u.
now this sem, im not gg to let the same mistake repeat, im not gg to turn back.
anw, felix, tmr i help u advertise! today a bit tired, and don forget sunday. (:
i be my joy and escape
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
@ 4:17 PM
im an addict.
back to school..
grades? fine.
getting all As and Bs.
but a deprovement from the last sem, would need to buck up on my Uts.
tmmr maths UT, something that i feared but fared well in the last sem.
not sure if i can perform the same standard.
im aiming a 3.5 and above this sem.
higlight of the year!
ah go go, im doing up the blog now.
alrights, nothing much to say.
HAPPY HARI RAYA! peeeps in W26B, official lunch gathering tmmr huh.
i be my joy and escape
Sunday, October 22, 2006
@ 7:21 PM
LIFE:ever wondered wat life is?life isnt about keeping score.its not about the number of people who call youneither is it about who u are dating and who u arent.its not about kissing that guy of ur dreams nor the guy or girl that likes you.also not about the colour of your skin, your race, grades. money.last but not least, it is also not about whether u are accepted or unaccepted.Life isnt jus that....but life is about who u love and who you hurt.its about how you feel about yourself.its about trust, happiness and compassion.its about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love.its about what u say and wat u mean.its about seeing people for who they are, not they have.MOST OF ALL, IT IS TO USE UR LIFE TO TOUCH SOMEONE ELSE'S.Adam Fendelman.the chicken soup..
adapted from 07062006 entry
@ 1:03 PM

posted some randoms.
nice bag from topman, apparently heng does not think so.
and erm. long school week
went town, vivo etc etc.
today the birthday people this week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROL! hoped u enjoyed ur mini party and surprise.
spoke to joanne the other time. longest ever.
and mentioned of some random's teeth. LMAO!
practically laugh the donkeys out of me.
w26b was more than what i had expected.
the people. faci. etc etc.
facis where much stricter than sem 1.
people, wow! in a way funner than w24h.
no offence to 4h people but both grps are made of different people.
took countless pics in class and out this week, no time to upload..
alright people, the Os are approaching, study hard!
pls go back to sch to get ur forms, ppl in RP! i can help u get it.
weihow (:
i be your joy and escape
Monday, October 16, 2006
@ 3:30 PM

clifton and jie min, playing the sparkles.
the rest are not single pics, but with help of picasa. if not it will take decades to upload.

the birthday gurl and jie min.

the other randoms. top right, look at the boy ryan, freakkingg cute but he is like a king of his own kingdom

my new dress sense. as in my new combinations.and i wore exactly the same but different tops of course. and with berms instead of jeans. street wear.
today had culture lesson, and it was, freakkingg fun! ok,kinda tough and challenging though, cos it was arty and high class.
alrights. gtg alr. gg to get my work done and gg vivo city later.
since YY begged me to go with her. lol!
i be my joy and escape.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
@ 10:29 AM
had fun ytsd! shall upload more pics on monday.
now, download 6P to read!
never ceasing UTs
driving me insane.
and im craving for my topman bag.
hope its still there.
i be my joy and escape.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
@ 3:46 PM
change new skin! only mozilla friendly!
on IE it looks weird or rather unusually dull.
school's fine.
and the grades are like back to Bs again.
and yeh ying says my blog is nice! ((:
and i want to change the tree photo.
i wan to change to my own pic, i saw the html, got smth to do with photobucket.
some kind soul pls give me a hand.
im preparing to leave the house already!
to go for the party! haha! BYE BYE!
i be my joy and escape
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
@ 3:56 PM
why start to remove things in my life just when i got adjusted to it.
to you:
farking cb knn! get the hell lost! not here to let u use when u are bored and chucked when not needed. so you please get the hell off! stop sticking close to me like a pest.
people who walk with you to the end of your life.
thru many real life experiences like my mum and aunts..
secondary school frens are the people that will follow you to the end of time.
cos, they are the people who grew with you through your childhood days of dont friend you to the matured and growing days like discussing which type of rubbers to buy. etc etc. other randoms.
im someone who treasures frenship and take them seriously, if you are here to make a fool, good riddance den.
science lesson today is so so boring, another physics lesson, goodness la. so difficult.. diffraction reflection etc etc. -_-
gtg alr!
weihow (:
i be my joy and escape
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
@ 2:01 PM
been busy figuring out the exact functions of picasa;
the fruits of all the trying.

getting the randoms that the lunch buds took, like mentioned, notice Ong.

taken in class, as in two diff groups: one with me and my class mates, and the other, usual cam whores. i was not so zi lian to take pics of myself, it was YY that took it.
and to address one issue. WTH, must everything on my blog be refering to you?
if u aint guilty or whatever, wtf you worry? now, im just getting random, no hidden agendas.
one thing is i simply hate people telling me what to do, it is my own affair, and i do know how to handle it.
the grades getting better, more As shining my way and im beginning to enjoy school.
the class aint fun as W24H.
the dynamics are much more competitive and scary. many haswans around.
i already relinquished the idea of moving to Jc the next year, but it seems like, my interest does not lie in the science course much less, pharamacy, -_-.. the thoughts keep bouncing back...
today was enterprise lesson and we had to do some panty liners marketing plan:
one scene: having ridiculous scents like brocoli and curry -_- wth la!LOL!
and the other, the faci who was somewhat a judge to judge whose product he would be impressed, he was looking at our poster and i asked HIM, are u attracted? *wtf! panty liners!!! guy? omggg!! I WAS SO EMBARASSED* lol
jazreel: when are you gg to call me up or rather miss call. taking decades. got millions to say.
felix: get me discount when i purchase your stuff.
weihow (;
i be my joy and escape
Sunday, October 08, 2006
@ 4:48 PM
jazreel, you know wat? the thing you told me about the make use that issue?
its been on my mind, though i was hoping what you said aint true..
d there are no particular reason
just want to highlight that it is for no par
sometimes, people do get fustrated or irritated particular reason, so yea.
school's been alright. the class bond getting better. know more people, lunch tgt.
the grades are improving, just hope to get the same grades as last sem.
the faci's expectations are increasing.
and err, wanted to join the Student Ambassador the other time but in the end, did not..
they recently did some retrenchment exercise, and now, im trying my luck to get in.
joanne says i need leadership records, well, thats not a problem, i have pretty excellent records from secondary school.
tues how? jie min, faster give me an answer hor! quick quick!
MI, people, good luck with ur results..
Gy, all the best! for Os!
a short story for all to enjoy: some may read it before, but still: here it goes:
It was first day of the mid-year exams, therefore i finished school a little earlier, i called him,
:Hey, i finished school earlier today, would you come by and pick me up?
:Alright, give me 5 minutes.
:5 minutes? But my school is just beside your house.
:I need to get ready.
:Alright, make it fast then.
2pm in the afternoon, the sun is extremely hot, I stood under a shaded tree and fan myself.
Although it doesn't make much of a difference, it was better that I fanned.
5 minutes have passed, he's still not shown up, I was a lil' unhappy while looking at my watch.
10 minutes and he's still not here....couldn't be that he was met with an accident?
15 minutes passed, he finally shown up.
:Why are you so late?
He wasn't even a lil' bothered: Nahz, was watching TV.
:What?! TV?! Why don't you sleep, bathe and eat before you come down then?
I haven't got anything else to say for that, didn't take the helmet he handed me but stood there and stared at him.
This was the first time he said sorry to me...
He is an egoistical person all along and has never once apologised to a girl.
I looked at him, Alright, took the helmet and let him sent me home.
He is always acting like this, no explanations, no friction, no quarrels.
The only thing he does is to apologise. To me, somethings can't be settled with a sorry.
I would never go on asking after everytime he apologises.
He told me, that was the first time he said sorry to a girl.
Although it take courage to admit mistakes, he never once correct his mistakes.
Saying sorry became a word to shut me up instead.
Tears flowed down my cheek on the 59th time he apologised.
I dropped my head: you don't ever need to say sorry to me again.
If you can never change, th en don't let me keep giving you chances again and again hoping and believing that you would change each time.
He held me lightly, and said the 60th sorry.
Even then, he did not change, and there was no explanation whatsoever.
I began to worry if there was something he was keeping from me.
:What's wrong with you these few days?
:Then why are you acting so strange?
:I am not.
:What can you say other than this answer?
:Do you know I'm very worried, very insecure, do you treat me as your girlfriend?
:I'm sorry...
:I don't want to hear you say sorry again.
I put down the phone and he did not call back.
He doesn't even care about me. Maybe we should....break up.
.....this was the 99th time he said sorry...
From that day onwards, I never once called me or went to look for him.
Sometimes I get an anonymous phonecall
but everytime I said hello, it was dead, i think it's a call from him, but why don't he speak up?
After one month have passed, I couldn't contain the feelings I still have for him anymore and went to his school to find him.
I went outside his classroom and looked around, but there was no sign of him.
:excuse me, is XOXO here today?
:I'm afraid he already stopped schooling.
:Huh? Why? When was that?
:He hasn't been in school for a month already.
:Oh erms...thanks.
One month....not in school for one month...why is that so? I stumbled home.
Called his hp: Sorry the caller is currently unavailable, please leave your message after the tone....
I put down the phone, and called his house next, but there was no answer.
How can it be? The whole family migrated?
It seems as though he has already disappeared from the face on the earth leaving not even a single trace.
I couldn't find him....just as I was feeling distraughted, the phone suddenly sounded, it was my friend.
He was one of his brothers and also my good friend.
:Hey, what have you been doing? XOXO is in hospital.
:Oh he is in ZZ hospital, the one you stayed in last time.
:I'll be right there.
I used the fastest speed my legs could carry and when I reached the hospital I saw that his parents were already there.
I asked them for the room number and flew across the hall.
He was lying on bed, looking at me, not saying a word, not moving a muscle,
:Hey, what happened to you? Why didn't you contact me?
He did not answer, and used the same stare on me again.
:Come on answer me...why don't you speak?
A tear flowed down the side of his eye, and it looked as though he used the greatest amount of strength that he could master to say...
After that, his eyes went shut.
:Hey, don't fool around alright...why say sorry to me?
:Don't say sorry to me....please wake up....answer me please.
I wept and fell down on the side of his bed, pulling his shirt I cried out..
:Why do you have to apologise? Why don't you give me an explanation instead?
:I won't forgive you, wake up, saying sorry is no use...
:If you don't wake up I'll never ever forgive you in this lifetime, please I beg of you..open your eyes.....
That was the 100th sorry
A group of medical staff, doctors, nurses pulled me away and tried to revive him. I had no strength to stand up...
My mind was a blank.... my eyes could only see a sea of black.
He did not leave this world...I merely lost the chance to touch him anymore.
But he would appear in my dreams sometimes, telling me how he was doing.
He's still accompaning me, still alive, in my heart.
would still laugh at my silliness, and call me his darling....just that...he never apologise to me anymore.
After a month, his mom came to look for me, and gave me a box...inside was
a 100 photographs, everyone had a story behind them..the reasons why he made me angry.
The first time, my dear, I did not purposely arrive late to pick you up.
I know this excuse is really lame, but I didn't have the heart to tell you the truth then,
before I stepped out of the house, I felt a pain in my chest, but I still made it a point to meet you, please forgive me?
The second time, my dear, I...
The third time, my dear, I...
The 100th time, my dear, I didn't mean to leave you alone in this world,
It had to be so because God did not give me the chance to say I Love You for this lifetime of mine, and to put the ring on your finger....
You are the first girl I apologised to.
And also the first girl I want to be with for the rest of my life...
Forgive me for not able to bring you happiness but I have thus become your angel, always looking out for you...
Looking at you while you find your happiness...promise me...don't shed a tear...
I don't want to see you weep like this for me, I Love You ~XOXO
How can I not cry? What you said was just too impossible.
The last photograph was of him in the hospital,
Although he was skinny, the smile on his face was bright as ever.
His face was white and yet he tried his best to give his last smile on the last photo, the 100th.
At the time when he needed me the most, I wasn't with him.
:I'm sorry.
I held the photo tightly and cried for us.....
hoped u enjoyed (:
i be my joy and escape.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
@ 8:45 AM
im doing my best this week onwards!
the grades were average only.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
@ 1:26 PM

lunch buds, on the way to 7 eleven! LOOK AT SAMSUI!

we take pics almost anywhere.. at POSb

thats where all the good genes in the family went ^

look at us! cousins! adorable
@ 10:19 AM
i back to update the blog once again!
theres been many things going on, both fun and boring.
tiney, hope u are having fun in your new nest!
jaz, hope everythings fun in school..
nic, happy rotting! and im still waiting to hear wat happen.
MI people, sw, jy, pris, felix etc etc good luck with promos.
school, the same, still missing the old peeps, without them, class seems so boring and mudane.
i cant laugh my ass off and the facis are getting so strict with the grading and stuff.
pics to upload!

looking our best, theres one thing we should do, thats CAM WHORE!

well, been wondering wat exact are the laughters in school? heres an example!

he insulted me first! by drawing a pic of me, which was severely resemblance to a bitter gourd. so i drew him back, why the above pic? his nick was, "i want my armpit hair permed"

so , with my fantastic drawing i drew his dp ^ was the product. and he, drew my dp...

that was my dp.. the one below..

the last nonsense.. his nick was, we live in a pubic world.. figure the pic urself!

alrights! im done for now. BYE PEOPLE!!! ((:
i be my joy and escape