Thursday, November 30, 2006
@ 8:42 AM
one busy week. so din update for few days.
went to school and also after that went to make my hair at town.
accompanying beatrice to buy her stuff.
and goodness, my hair? was one fiasco. XD
but nonetheless, i LIKE IT. haha.
funny thing, all four of us wore green, UNINTENTIONAL .
went shopping spree. BUT din buy much, only a pair of jeans.
it was sort of a cheap trail LOL!
felix as usual was the mega spender.
woohoo. haha.

told ya, green XD

she's a poser.

one superb nice shoe that i always liked. :)
had culture UT, that was fine.
science after that, and 8 or 10 of us left class.
leaving the faci in severe fustration and anger that he decided to give us F
watch 'just friends' with classmates, well, over 10: 7
typical romance but was a chunk of humor injected in it. XD
bought my awaited adidas bag! after one month plus plus.
went walking around and theres some funny pics. HAHA

the group (:

when proposing does not restrict humans XD

the not so adorables in my class LMAO

spastic face?


pinky. LOL!

when guys begin to wear bikinis. well, hes one shy guy XD

when digging nose was an open affair.
went school for lesson
going for work later, URGH
tired. haha. but no choice.need money ya? so that can support my expenditure.

my artwork XD
and theres one new song.
Asslyn's Thats When I Love You
s short glimpse of the lyrics.
That's When I Love You
When u have to look away
When u don't have much to say
That's when I love u
I love u just that way
To here u stumble when u speak
Or see u walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love u endlessly
And when your mad cause u lost the game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby I love u
I love u anyway
Cause here's my promise made tonight
U can count on me 4 life
Cause that's when I love u
When nothing u do can change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love u
When I love u
No matter what
So when u turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made u cry
That's when I love u
I love u
A little more each time
And when u cant quite match you clothes
Or when u laugh at your own jokes
that's when I love u I love u
More then u know
And when u forgot that we had a date
Or that look that u give when u show up late
Baby I love u ,I love u anyway
So here's my promise made tonight
U can count on me 4 life
Cause that's when I love u
When nothing u do can change my moind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
That's when I love u
When I love u
No matter what
Ohh that's when I love u when nothing baby, nothing u do could change my mind
The more I learn, the more I love, the more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love u , when I love u no matter what
Ohhhh no matter what
Sunday, November 26, 2006
@ 3:43 PM
many thoughts rushing thru my mind.
im finally at peace that things are all settled?
keep things that way ya?
finally started work
went for two days.
was FUN in fact.
nothing much to do.
just plain slacking
the uniform? farking ugly LOL!
what made it worse was, it waswith CROCS! s
omething that i always hated URGH!
nvm. earn 90+ bucks! and now im here resting.
terrible, something horrid happen to my blog.
lost my post and my links at the bottom
but managed to recover it.
1. adidas metro bag
2. revoltage wallet
3. latest adidas thread
4. tons of ripcurl tops
4. volcom jeans
tmmr got maths UT
not sure if i can make it like the first round.
i know nuts about A MATHS
neither about exponential or logarithms
gotta go early and mug my way.
May The ONE above Bless me tmr!
it was initially DIEM
apparently i stayed with DPHM
i seriously wonder how am i going to make it.
seeing ppl in STA made me so jealous
but but but, its the career prospects that matter.
alright. gtg alr
update tmr!
Friday, November 24, 2006
@ 10:38 PM
removed the password.
found it redundant.
the purpose? not acheieved.
people are still able to penetrate through!
right, thanks to the IT geek.
this whole shit is so unnecessary.
well, if miscommunication it is, that would be the word.
time and time again,
im daunted. by this unspeakable motion of yours.
of course, with your level of sensitivity, you wun sense it.
people always think THEY are right.
likewise for myself.
they claim attention not proportioned when needed.
where was mine when i needed it?
where was the tiny effort i see in just listening to my pleas?
simply four letters. N-O-N-E
there is none perfect besides the one above.
i listen to the wise one,
contemplating with a squabble and not.
i chose the latter
bringing my self principle, pride, down.
despite all the countless negative instances,
i keep in mind
with one solo interest.
which is keeping this friendship alive.
i removed all my desktop icons and names.
it was with utmost unfamiliarity when i saw your name there.
today's lesson was no doubt disgusting.
maths? one total fiasco.
messed up exponential decay and all shit.
the UT on monday is a goner.
lets hope, someone sent me luck.
clair, i need the luck back. haha
so this nonsense of sticking stickers up ppls backs started.
and the whole class was a mess,
the most hilarious 3rd meeting ever.
james had better send me the pics of those victimised people.
right, one tiring, yet brain taxing day.
tmr is the interview for our competition,
6 men team with a common intention
and of course BEATRICE who is our loyal supporter.
with an hidden agenda of eyeing a piece of the pie.
i better go get sleeping.
or i shall be late.
bye people.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
@ 3:50 PM
been long since i last updated.
and sunday was somewhat funny. had dinner with my family members.
saw my adorable cousins.
well, the restaurant seemed nice, HOWEVER! the fishes in the tanks looked super FUGLY and share a severe resemblance to the pirahnas. WTH!with some jaws.
shall upload the pics when i have time.
went to school, blah blah. typical 3 meetings kind of thing.
cognitive was rather boring, but the usual fun was diminished with ben around, he was one amazing faciliator with his lumpy and lame actions. LOL!
well, finally ended the day.
went TPY , and realised the exsistence of Soya Bean Ice Cream from Mr. BEAN.
it was NICE!
den Derrick got his hp stuff and left TPY, boring town, nothing interesting there.
got to Prime and got my altered jeans! good! managed to become what I wanted it to be.
kays, ended well.
school, has culture lesson.
did about myths. legends. folktales.
began scaring each other with all horror movies and stories.
urgh! rather i was the horried one.
conflicts, are what i would say caused by two parties. definite not single person.
only forgiving and forgeting would one finally overcome.
i got over mine and im fine now (:
to weiting, im very happy for you. all the best in it yea? i waited as long as you did! LOL! i can take well more of problems! haha.
to the two randoms around. FARKING scram. who gives a god damn about you.
jolly well stop yakking behind my backs. i know it all. i seek social status. SO?
no BIG DEAL. i wanted to be nice. and say HI. BUT! darn you for say wat er xin, get lost, SO BE IT. im never getting affected over such shits. saying that im the imposter and leaver, isnt it ALL CAUSED BY YOU ? so get lost.
the UT1 results are out! and im over the moon! haha! did quite well i guess!
cognitive: A
Enterprise: B+
Maths: B+
Culture: B+
Science: C+ (URGH)
overall, all B+ and As! haha! did well! im gg to keep up my efforts! and get into the U!
a bit far, but the results are counted from year one, so it is important to think ahead! haha!
3.6! im coming!!!
still, im one happy person. and im getting my blog password done by wed!
people who receive it, congrats! JOIN THE CLUB! LOL!
right, off to do quiz! haha! BYE PEOPLE!
weihow (:
Sunday, November 19, 2006
@ 1:37 PM
discriminating eyes.
tongue lashing comments.
its going to be over.
im exterminating them all with the blog password.
making this blog a private one.
or at least for the people i want them to view.
till wed! and its going private! haha
Saturday, November 18, 2006
@ 9:39 AM
fireworks and drum roll pls. lol
im so proud of myself for reaching this amount! haha!
and pls, remember to re-link me. (((:
anyway. attended homecoming day ytsd.
indeed the school did not fail us, it was an evening of nostalgia.
seeing everyone back, catching up and talking away.
woohoo. all the memories came back.
im joining the school alumni!
since the school did so much for me, its time i return the favour.
seeing the 4e3 was indeed something memorable since everyone's like so busy to catch up.
even people in my poly, catching a glimpse of them was also tough.
so seeing them ytsd was great!
BUT wearing that long sleeve shirt made me a little out,
but nonetheless, i was undaunted and continued socialising!
left early ard 8? everyone walked towards J8 together.
and i separated, gg home to change and get out.
shall update about today! just came back
went out with tio, its been decades since we last went out.
went queensway to get stuff.
or rather he went to get stuff, in the end, went to get converse sneakers.
im eyeing two pairs. either the sneakers or the slip-ons. im so into SHOPPING nowadays.
den went vivo. went adidas and wanted to look for felix.
he's not working, so continued shopping.
got a new top from pull and bear, i tell you, the stuff there. amazing. NICE!
tio got his topman jacket.
walked around here and there for awhile.
so, things started getting ugly and he bagen to feel uncomfy and vomited.
so accompanied him home and went dinner!
right thats all! haha.
i must stop spending. muji long sleeve and pull and bear top caused me a bomb!
shall upload some pics soon!
im feeling nostalgic after ytsd!
i love you. Ms Random!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
@ 11:00 PM
two more days to homecoming.
meaning to two more days to ruby and elaine's bdae. woohoo.
some shopping to do alr. LOL! (:
anw, tmr is going to be a busy day!
im gg school, enterprise is about supply chain management, hope it is fun.
also, aft school, (jaz, if you rmbr our date) we are gg to shop.
and i might be going town to get that VOLCOM jeans. $150 bucks!
but mega ultra nice. i MEAN UBER ULTRA NICE!
short sum about today:
morning woke up with a severe stomach ache, but not the shitting kind.
so pain until i broke cold sweat.
so uncomfortable
den walked to school and heng wanted to get me a hot drink.
to my HORROR, my wallet was missing
terror striken and horrified, i dashed back to interchange, in hope of seeking it.
THANK YOU HENG! for accompanying me and i caused you to be extremely late.
well, to my dismay the buses were sent to another interchange,
and i was so upset about it, fear and disappointment gripped me.
i took a bus back to school and met crystal and pen on the way.
(thanks crystal, for everything you've done for me today)
back to class, sad, exhausted and moodless.
just then a call,
"hello, are you Ang.. Wei How?
yeap, thats me, ( at the same time feeling excited)
and all the blah blah."
turned out that some samaritan at RP found and return my wallet!
right, so mood immediate improve and etc etc.
aft school went galilee to yum yum. new york cheesecake? YUMMYLICIOUS
den went town in hope of getting long sleeves, in the end, diversion to jeans.
went walking around. ripcurl, topman, zara. and found my SUPER NICE ONE in RIPCURL which i might be getting tmr.
thanks derrick for the companion! greatly appreciated! haha.
tired now. after the whole day's fun! shall blog more and add pics tmr ya?
17112006- EXCITEMENT!
Monday, November 13, 2006
@ 6:48 PM
hello all!
this post comes with great remorse.
i went thro the so called 'pms' period. im fine. perfectly fine.
first. the maths tcher, apparently refuse to give me an A! wth haha.
its like the first time in my life, i ever put in all my efforts to get my work done and stuff.
especially maths, urgh, well, nvm. im so perfectly fine with it anw.
just got to do well for my UTs!
Second. im so sick, so tired, exhausted to continue this squabble. wtf. stop telling me all the bullshit. my paitience for you have limits.
and pls, before insulting people, take a good look at yourself. like me, i wun go round calling people fat or wat fark. so you better KEEP your eyes wide and look at yourself.
seriously. wat u told me on msn, made me hate u. HATE YOU.
i farking annoyed by ur attitude. so if u want to keep this frenship. jolly well know wtf you should do. knnbccb
sorry for all the vulgarities, and this is my blog anw, i have the freedom to say watever i want.
to every seemingly perfect person, there are definitely flaws, i accept flaws, problems.
im not perfect myself. everyone got their own attitude, so pls. you aint any better. stop farking claim as if u did so much and i farking did nothing.
i did one new blog skin. or rather aminah did it, i included your picture, wanted to show you how much you actually meant to me. but after all your shit. forget it. things don always turn out the way they should.
im sorry. if this continues, im saying goodbye to you forever.
Thirdly, the darn cleaner in my house, dono how to iron clothes. destroyed two of my most eexpensive ripcurl tops. im gg to fire her soon! just u watch it u old wretch.
right, and people who managed to find their way here, CONGRATS.
l liked the new link, it was an impromptu thing.
yeh ying, this is my style, my identity. im not trying to fit in or something, but its me, and the class jus perfectly fits me! (: and sorry ya? there was a troop of five people waiting, hope u understand that situation. and im never better than, Mr. A.
anyways, got some new pictures to upload. (:

my new match, wore my ralph lauren polo with topman plain tee in it. nice? xD

we simply love the lenses, and she loves me. (:

just look at her. cam whore all day long, she got a dozen more, if i upload i think my blog would erupt. (:
alright im ending here. haha BYE people!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
@ 8:47 PM
my blog is like gettng dead.
haha. right. and went out to make my bank and card stuff.
3 mishaps, rather not mishaps but the unthinkables happened.
right, shall not mention more about it
the rest of the day? stayed home to watch my fav series on Youtube. haha.
had some remiscise about the past, that show has been showing since 1998
and its finally comin to an end this yr! haha, on 17!
but 17th, too many events, cant afford to miss, so pre-watched it on Youtube.
had fun watching despite being cooped at home.
Friday, November 10, 2006
@ 10:22 PM
i wanted to get close, u drove me away.
now its too late (:
Thursday, November 09, 2006
@ 3:17 PM
to yehying: LOL! okays. i reply u via post. (: why nvr come school again goodness la.
to kayne: linked alr! (: hows school?
to jiajun: haha, ok la. i go ur blog tag ok! and stop calling me noob.
to jorin: okok relac one corner, i will not post it anymore yea.
right, another dry lesson of enterprise. but still it was fun going through.
random laughters, like while i was presenting, i said VPN instead of NPV.
VPN is some program used by the school, and the entire class laugh. urgh!
so embarassed.
now going through the 6p. very tired so not listening. haha. will study over the weekends.
need to get good grades for my UT! don wan to dampen my grades ya.
jiemin, STUDY HARD OKAY! it is going to be over soon! you can do it(;
some random pics.

the shopping crew, done by nick. eons ago!

the movie gang, although movies always failed. LOL! organise one soon ya ! (:

lunch buds. moments in class and chalet. remember the nasi lemaks. night walks, blah blah! (:

all the pics of nostalgia! goodness, filled with all the fun and fond memories.
my UT results! first UT!
although only 3 out but i think i have done a pretty neat job,
cognitive problem solving : A
Culture and Aesthetics: B+
Enterprise Skills: B
goody goody! im one step closer to my 3.6!
ma wishlist for the month:
zara jacket@
adidas metrosexual bag@
revoltage wallet@
right, one thing that i want to mention.
ur facial expressions made me feel that im so extra.
stop asking me if im alright cause its YOU that made me feel that way.
if any of the intended people is reading, hope that you get what im trying to say.
p.s. youtwomademefeelsouncomfortable.imsomesortofextraright.
shopping soon! when i get all my cards back! haha.
rite. going to do my quiz and stuff!
bye people.
i be my joy and escape
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
@ 2:19 PM
weihow (:
i be my joy and escape
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
@ 6:56 PM
to yehying: lol! haha see face de. pity u din come today, it was hilarious.
to felix: haha. nice rte? enjoy your camp ya.
to min: SURE ! im very certain you can. how was ur science paper?
alright, today's lesson was ultra uber, hilarious.
the team's prep was like FUNNY! FUNNIER and FUNNIEST
haha. the most most enjoyable culture lesson.
everyone was busy laughing. enjoying the entire third meeting.
for me, it was something new that we learnt. it was so so embarrassing esp the yelling parts.
esp, dennis when he said in chinese, feroz jumping on ben etc etc. OMG!
atiqi was emotional huh, whoa, saw everyone fantastic acting skills. and also pinky's SINGING! LMAO!
so yeh ying, we enjoyed ourselves. without YOU! haha.
well getting to my exercise, some may think its some sort of joke or a 3 mins of excitement thing. but im determined to get my 32 back! right. need some running kakis. any VOLUNTEERS?
you know wat, i realised that im getting in love with you.
im enjoying ur companion everyday.
the mere sight of you makes my day. (:
finally got a job, going for interiew on the saturday, haha. need a weekend job to support my spending, its time to go SHOPPING! haha.
aunty miao, all the best for your english tmr huh! (: sure u can do it.
uncle, ur perfume is nice la huh. i say it isnt cos i don wan to lose (:
17112006: GYSS HOMECOMING DAY! see you guys! excited, hope it is going to be fun
i miss 4e3!
alrights, im off to do my RJ! buh bye people!
i be my joy and escape.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
@ 4:50 PM
to yy: haha. yea, the blog is nice right. knew it.. good luck for your maths ya?
to dennis: (: ROCK!
alright the year one course transfer is out.
you are allowed to make ur CHOICE AGAIN!
since the previous one was destroyed due to technical glitches,
could this be a signal from above?
not to go to integrated events but to stay in pharmacy?
i hope the post gets through, cause, the previous post have been deleted when i post a new one.
right, this is my second post of the day. the previous one was for ytsd, which was deleted.
the reasons why i should not transfer?
firstly, when i grad when pharmaceutical sciences, IMMA SPECIALIST
secondly, i can do my favourite modules as a elective, it would be recorded in my transcript, something like a major in pharmacy but minor in which ever module im doing.
well. Pat really did aided me in my choice making. so i guess im staying.
in class now. do boring. nothing to do also. urgh!
actually is not nothing to do,
but i already finish presenting. so, now slacking.
was late for school today, hope the faci will be a nicey and not downgrade,
i got already enough Bs from you cos i was late. (((:
okays. hope u all like my new blogskin.
haha. okok. gtg alr.
weihow (:
i be my joy and escape.
@ 11:52 AM

i dont believe in friends forever, but friends for live. (:
the entire week was mundane, normal typical
with cam whores.

she's the number one cam whore queen in class (:

more spastic and unglam moments with miao(:

the lunch buds, taken from sam's blog. and goodness. see how much we have changed.
ALL OF US, physically, became hunks and babes, but we were hunks and babes to begin with. LMAO! we are so going to be the laughing stock.
it was a bad day 3 Nov.
MANY! and i stress, many people lost their belongings.
so did i, lost my prized possession, something that ALL cant do without,
wallet, EZ LINK IC. those are gg to be so costly to be replaced.
derick say treat it as a donation, well he donated more than me. LOL!
went to replace my EZ Link card, with derrick, since he lost his on the same day as me.
all the way to sembawang.
yeap. so spend 21 dollars on a new one.
but managed to keep the same photo.
so din have to take another one. that was a consolation.
went to tpy to wait for miao.
den went town and practically walked all over and over.
kind of tedious owing to the fact that i woke up early.
MUCH earlier than usual.
by nightfall, the sheer unglamness of what was left of me, drove me home.
i was a wreck.
of all these mess, i did have my fair share of good.
i did well for my module UTs.
culture and cognitive, only these two came out, and i did well.
a B+ for UT and an A for predicted module(Culture)
an A for UT and A for predicted module (cognitive)
must keep up the effort and maintain my two As, i wan my GPA of above 3.5 this sem!
go go go!
people who were concern,
jaz, tine, jm, jy, dennis, yy, beatrice, kelvin,felix, mike, uncle(derrick), aunty miao, HENG etc etc.
i got over the wallet loss. just have to scrimp and save to recover the losses.
and who got a job to intro?
needa job to support my expenditure.
and peepos, all the best for your O LEvels!
clair, u look vry stress, RELAX!
min, STUDY HARD OK! u can do it.
felix, enjoy ur camp ya? haha.

janelle, no worries, im always here for u (:
gtg alr,
i be my joy and escape.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
@ 1:37 PM

my favourites LOL!

can u imagine the number of pics we took, graciously vast amounts. LOL

Doesnt uncle resemble someone ?
just food for thought(:
alright, done with the posting lol, going back to the insane science lesson WOOHOO!
bye people
weihow (:
i be my joy and escape.