Wednesday, January 31, 2007
@ 9:28 AM
sorry for that loofy post ytd.
was not in that writers-kind-of-mood. but feel that i am now. haha
at least now when im sitting in my dinghy sit wondering what the fuck would happen next.
pretty boring with all the science, desperately wondering where i should go.
its pretty demoralising and i'm so not looking forward to year 2.
the chances are ultimately bleak.
but i'm taking things well. i see support and i see HELP
im taking my chance
i considering a good business course.
i will never and i repeat never be manipulated in my studies again
well, it seems almost impossible.
but no choice, i've got some farking dead darn inconsiderate yet living in their own surreal world.
this is the final straw.
im not feeling well already.
the stomach flu is back and i'm already not feeling well
and both emotionally and physically unstable
i need all the support i can get.
so if u agitate me, people like kelvin. and also, some ass holes.
just farking scram off and don get in my way. or else im seriously going to make u feel sorry
so here is goes. the final week of school is approaching and we are all going separate ways.
the feeling for the class is not that strong as the last sem's although there are seriously some soulmates and some hilarious people.
boh or affectionately known as yy: best friend in class perhaps, thanks for always being there, changing me, making me a better person and always being that listening ear, if i do leave RP, i would not forget u alright and i wish u luck with your ants mission.
ben: the crazy asshole who does all the stupidly yet interestingly funny things in class. the only one who can tolerate the bull shit that i give him every single day. and mind him, he is a pro CS KING.
beatrice/thai farmer(beat rice): alright i know beatrice u are angry but haha. its funny la. i will nvr forget how mathew wong pronounces ur name, haha simply amusing.. and she has become one CS manic ok. im not saying goodbye, cause we are somewhat in the same course, bound to meet u next two years. (NO MORE RACING TO TOILETS)
dennis or umbrella: de mr easy and taking things calmly. ur calmness is . woo. the most patient guy and the most helpful/kind/easy to bully kind. haha. a nice friend, though sometime u annoys me but half the time im irritating you, cos u are simply so
bullyable lol. stop letting boh bully u.
crystal: horniest/crude gurl i have ever seen in my entirely life but nonetheless one of the more harmless people around. and jaz if u are reading this, try not to let her get close to you again. she corrupts. =) i know i annoy u at times. but seriously, i enjoy ur company.
aquila: this formidable looking girl has bull strength, she makes me slap myself real hard. and she gives u this cold hard stare that makes ur blood freezes. always gang up with tiqi and farhan to insult me huh. watch it.!
farhan: oei oei, stop it hor, im not patience to paramount or easy going., hahaha , but your jokes although seriously funny but its full of snide and hurtful remarks can. haha, have fun ok! lets play more CS!
kelvin/baldy: although sometimes u make me so annoyed but its kinda a vice versa thing. no pun intended, you have been nice at times, but ur sex scandals in school have to stop, its unhealthy =P i don want to have to chance up upon u and lala, in cum. LOL! anw, u aint bald.
i can already hear my brother snoring.
well i gtg alr. shall write more. simply too exhausted. =)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
@ 8:28 AM
hello once again
5 days and so much happened.
felt so betrayed by RP.
they have so many new new nice courses.
mass comm, environmental science etc etc.
well, even after my many futile attempts to get into New Media and Integrated.
it failed.
due to the already compacted space.
just fated that i stayed in science then.
30 Jan does ring some bells,
yes, its MR KEE's big day. so happy birthday to you huh.
shall go out soon alright?
ah go go, this time i had not been slow.
and i done up the blog already. pretty good comments from what i saw.
glad u ppl liked the skin. haha
in w26b, there are at times,
certain amount of hostility. punts, directed jokes.
people gets pissed, annoyed , antagonized and the list goes on.
so, im going to be nice, and since farhan said i was very easy going and
my patience was paramount? OMG!
randy, im keeping my promise.
and tif if u are reading this, cos i bet u would soon as i see u online.
haha. please contact us asap.
we are organising some outing!
alright. i gtg. im off for come CS mania. ... BANG,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
@ 8:38 PM
the last lap.
final UT
last 2/3 weeks of school
it would be im progressing to year two.
but that would mean separation
although,this aint the most perfect dream type of class
but sure, having been the one of the two most popular person in class LMAO
seriously, there has been some nice memories.
laughing at certain randoms.
that was certainly hilarious
having some legends in class such as yandao etc etc.

nutcases/people living in denial
name it you've got it.
i actually made a 'remix' version but well, blogger sucks.
cant upload no matter the number of times i tried.
if any of you is seeing this.
i actually liked my lappy better now. thanks! =)
and lets make sure the chalet's success!
its the last 'honeymoon' period in RP!
and make the best out of the time we have left together.
to ah go go:

jaz no worries of us drifting, not now, we've come so far together.
we can do it!
and im working on our blog again =)
and to the farm, outing on sat.
alright, im needing some action to my good grades.
shall be off now
Friday, January 19, 2007
@ 7:58 PM
one more week has passed.
a tedious yet fruitful
once again i manage to ace my enterprise
which works out that one fine day i might be some reputable businessman
but to my disgust,
the rest are not doing as well.
might be able to scrap through with a 3.2 this sem.
hopefully everything works out well.
i need a good GPA
and if you people realised, i change my blogskin
and yes yehying, i 'kop' your templete.
just partially. the rest was just a mere organisation of own one.
thanks aminah !
the class chalet. hope its a success
haven got really good response from the class.
seriously, i think that it is quite disappointing.
yes, im clearing things up.
im trying within the best of my abilities
and of my emotions if that was the thing that was ruling my head.
i agree,
im short tempered
unreasonable at times.
but i reciprocate it to the people who do me wrong
just look in the mirror.
see yourself.
reflect, take time to look back
im being optimistic.
my plans to reconcile .
its all i got.
and happy birthday to my best friend.
finally 18th.
Monday, January 15, 2007
@ 10:41 PM
the soap serial KELVIN-LAFI drama is back in action.
not sure if they would see this.
but, this has become a regular bill board in the 26b hierachy
was blog jumping and saw kelvin's amazing entry
on resolutions, i found this part pretty amusing and it deserved some food for thought.
COPY it.
here is his definition of changes:
Would YOU make crappy changes just for the sake of doing it? Changes like: Wake up 10 minutes earlier for school this year, spend less pocket money, learn to feed the pussy, er, cats, under your HDB subsidized block, donate more money to 1900-112-6868(this rakes up one hilarious anecdote), and the works. - I consider them crappy, really.
…For the very fact that you're being a better person just for the sake of being better and making a change. If you really saw resolutions/changes this way - you're better off NOT changing. Hence, I took a long 14 days, to see what would knock on the door, what would go, and what really "changed".
people in class would definitely know that i seldom treat kelvin's words as sane
but this time.
its a different case
watching the day after tomorrow strike several mixed emotions
about life, deaths, regrets, ambitions....
it striked me more while reading linghui's blog.
(hoped you all enjoyed youself at K today)like gosh. she has truckloads of information. global warming, etc etc
my immediate response: YES MS TOH
for me, 2007 is absolutely a different year for me.
several breakthroughs will be conducted this year:
some tangible and others not feasible.
thats why the term suggests? BREAKTHROUGH
1. IM ON A OFFICIAL DIET. (not feasible)
now im deriving .. my brains cant think for nuts now.
im still exhausted.
im fanking this people for being there
and the last one, you are still a son of a bitch in my opinion =)
&&&& of course the many others...
A friendship left in its brokened state isn’t it the same as a broken stringed guitar? Nobody wants to do anything about it, nobody wants to salvage it. Slowly after time, u no longer know how to face it, u no longer know what you should do with it but to leave it left untouched.
BUT, if the strings of a friendship were to be replaced, how will things be like? How about you being the first to give in, first to initiate an outing? Will things be still the same? Think about it…
This proves the same for a bgr relationship.
p.s. i do not wished to be sued for plagarism so, the original credits goes to author, CALVELL (not sure the surname).
Sunday, January 14, 2007
@ 8:59 PM
i call it inspirational love note
@ 1:15 PM
the early sunday
the distant crowing
how much loneliness can you feel?
the lashing wind
ousting it freezing breathes.
its a deaf post
i see on the streets,
companies/organisations, shunting from those physical disabled
such as deafs,mute.
well,they are just normal people.
just like us?
just that, they don have that luxury of ease communication.
all these grouping,
aint they people too?
why should the society outcast them? shun them aside?
for example.
KFC, they had this KFC at tpy,for the DEAFS
couldnt they let all the workers unite, despite deaf or not?
all these 'groupings', wun they make those disabled more disabled instead of aid?
what im going through now jus makes me being pessimistic.
the bleak future of the unrecognized diploma,
makes me wonder would my past year's effort be wasted?
i sit and look out into the world.
well, just my neighbourhood to be precise.
every single minute, every single second,
time passes.
your life passes
wouldn't you want to spend every moment telling everyone how much you treasure them?
for me, i would treasure my enemies,
they were the people that brought me thus far
making me undergo countless tribulations
moulding my character to who I am
not forgetting those who had not left me for the past 6 years.
and i meant full 6 years.
not those floating around kind. and desperately clinging to the so called 'BOND'
which does not exist.
to those 6 years or more
you know who you are
countless storms wrecked our friendSHIPS
and was mended.
my utmost gratitude for your presence.
you may not know.
those little calls/sms mean a lot. =)
as here i am, wasting my time away
just wanna say,
TREASURE people around you.
and of course, no discrimination.
although myself does it.
but im trying to change.
you cant erase tattoos.
juniors waiting for results, nothing much, just hope that lady luck shines you
and its about time you put ur praying skills to work.
poly frens, lunch buds, ms popular, w26b mates(since we din create a grp name) see you in school! =)
not forgetting the 5 very special buddies
im always here.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
@ 1:13 AM
failure might be the best descriptive word i have in mind.
drift would the most suitable word to show the relationship.
well, all good things do come to an end,
im sure i enjoyed the times i spend with you guys.
thank you for everything.
its a memory that i would keep till the die i meet jesus.
boh, i kept your words in mind, but some things.
its far to obvious, try lying, cheating, denying
why lie or deny when your conscience is clear?
its your darn guilt.
nonetheless, its been fun the past two years.
thanks =)
to the other two besties.
one has a spouse,
other has companions
neither could i fit in.
nothing could be the same.
too distanced.
may the bond of three permit us to continue this friendship.
im just hoping this all ends.
its just a nightmare.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
@ 8:18 AM
Hello! here i am, being the first in class!
haha, it was the first time man!
and of course, while i had the time, i would land myself here.
in front of this screen typing away.
more thoughts brood over,
relationships and friendships,
things aint superficial and if you see things as such, then you are superficial.
the ah go go meeting on friday:
finally uploaded the pics tiney!

sunday, was one nostalgic outing.
the four musketeers

notice the hair difference.
shopped around. din get much except a wallet.
went dinner at tian tian huo guo, if i din get the name wrong.
food was not bad! enjoyed myself.
but my energy was exhumed.
so gave myself an extra holiday and spend monday at home, watching prison break! haha.
and as the people walks in,
i realised that my worries were unfounded.
the hair was not noticed.
till one classmate said that it was nice! =)
alright im off to do my work! see ya all! =)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
@ 3:55 PM
im back!
new year, new expectations and a new 2007!
i must admit , it has been a fruitful for the year 2006
since the results release till the present,
we underwent year one of poly.
and for m, thru jc den poly.
its been a long route and a fun tedious.
for sure, we have grown, more matured, exotic thinking.
well, for sure, we have changed.
so, back to the welcoming party, 2007 has arrived, whether u like it or not.
for some, happy 18, others, reaching their 20s but no offence.
just an elaboration from the things that i have heard.
the job is over.
shangri la was an fiasco.
a rough riding with dark storms and tsunamis.
but it ended well, i landed on a nice shore. dry and clean.
and changed.
one thing i may never forget would be:
'you should not make your environment suit you'
'but you should change to suit the environment'
-an adaption from 'who moved my cheese'
shant do any more elaboration.
been having fun with my Ipod
im beginning to love it from more to more.
perhaps, only people begin to treasure things when you get them with your hard earned money.
from those who knew. yeap, its REAL HARD.
im treasuring everything i got with my pay.
i aint going to be another LOSEMYTHINGANDISALWAYSCARELESS image
im changing. for the sake of my own future.
at the rate its going, im going to get myself lost.
its a transit period for the rest of the GYSS fellas,
whether u are going first three months or working,
let me be someone who went through the rides to tell you.
treasure your time with your sec sch frens.
things would not be the same when you reach poly/jc/mi
ah go go: shall meet up soon ya?
jingyi: should start to be serious! and concentrate!
faris: i know its hard, but try to get over it.
heng: =) stop being stress and upset. be light hearted.
felix: wheres ur specs?
beatrice and yehying: stop fighting over me XD
jaz: mind giving me your link again?