Friday, April 20, 2007
@ 1:51 PM
its been long.
shall date back to 13th april
went back to GYSS Commendation Day;

15th april; went to PULAU UBIN and cycled! and omggosh, it was hell loads of sufferng, haha but still laughter filled the air as we engaged in tons of jokes. and randy fell. haha. gave him a gucci watch in reparation. =)) went to eat dinner at changi village's thai village. and oh, it was nthg but great. thanks to ruby and grp. =) it was nice catching up.
16th APRIL; the day school started. -_- well, it was fun seeing everyone again but, we were all in a new class. new class, new dynamics, hopefully things would turn out well. and there was like 4000 new freshies and there is like 100% more pupils and damn the farking canteen to be swamped with them.
the other randoms around;

vain vain people.
my colleagues at tanglin club
love you the way you are.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
@ 12:12 AM
2 more days.
to a start of a yet eventful and stressful year.
i can foresee that this year would not be GREAT.
anyway, after much deliberation ;
i'm officially having the celebration cum gathering at;
dress code: anything; don wear BEST
time: 10am at bishan interchange or if u can make ur way there, 11am at changi village
&& please be on time.
&&&inform/tag if u are coming. =)
Friday, April 13, 2007
@ 1:50 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
@ 10:08 PM

kindly pls look at the modules and rate from 1-10 for my year two in RP. im going for a negative 100. =( someone pls take me away from hates
perhaps you are right, im eager/desperate to fill up that empty best friend slot. im expecting too much, theres not going to be another carbon copy.
my mind, endless thoughts of you. flashes, could this really be another sign of an one-sided lvoe affair?
@ 2:10 AM
you are making me fall in love with you.
hold back. pls.
this is wrong, its not supposed to happen.
pull me back from this love abyss
Sunday, April 08, 2007
@ 1:55 AM
We all take things for granted, don't we? We always assume that at the end of the day, things will go back to how they were. But then again, once the damage is done, it would etch a scar there forever. And it's hard for it heal back....ever.
Words, like a dagger, pierce through my heart.
I never take things seriously. That's my style. Although some people don't like me for that, I don't give a crap. I am who I am, and if you don't see how I do things, then just bloody step out of the way. So when people tell me off, I'll just smile and laugh it off. Even though sometimes its insulting, I know they don't actually mean it. It's a moment of fun or anger that's all.
But somehow today, things went too far. Everybody has their pride. And when you cross the line, it hurts not just my pride, but my feelings too. You can use the excuse, that it's just 'words in the heat of the moment', only so many times. Do you expect me to bite my lips and swallow it down all the time? Have you ever thought how would I feel, behind those laughter that sometimes I can even deceive myself with?
Even if people don't see you as someone important anymore, because they found someone to replace you. Even if they have their own things to do now and even if you are forsaken, I guess I should smile to myself again and say, 'I understand'. Because, like I've said before, it's easy to be angry with someone you love, but it's hard to stay that way.
I promise myself from here on that I would dish out less mean remarks to people I care for. Because I know somehow or another, they might take them to heart.
and ah chang, u should know im just joking. =)
8 more days, yet its still so unprecedented. are there really anyone excited other than myself? cos im finally 18 in like. 8 days which is 192 hours and 11520 minutes. omggosh. total nerve wreck.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
@ 12:13 AM
im forced to fake a smile, a lie, everyday of my life.
and this is not a replica of clarkson's songs but its a real scenario.
so much has happened. yet all i can put on is this pseudo image of mine.
this bubbly smiling me is long gone.
replaced by yet another grim and moody soul.
yes, i still laugh, LAUGH. but all that is within, who is the one that can fathom the real horror in me. the many layers of intangible problems i face.
my new working career in tanglin club is about to end. bringing all the wonderful memories as well as unhappy ones to a fullstop. speaking of which, im not going to build our friendships any closer. for it would hurt if i leave the place. sad isn't it? everyone's only beginning to treasure each other when we know that the time's almost up. to my one and only good pal in tanglin club, neh, the friendship goes this far, nowhere closer. i cant face loss again.
to my other counterpart. im finally contented that we are again on talking terms. this time, pls give me the chance to rectify you.
and to the ahgogo. sorry for neglecting you guys. im very stressed up with thousand and a million affairs. shall update the .........
alright. farm, meet up one last time. and we shall all go to school contented.

sit with me would you? don leave me
Monday, April 02, 2007
@ 1:23 AM
2nd april
14 more days to the extravagant.
well, nothing much i cant say to describe the urge to jump right in front of orchard road;
yelling that i am
finally going to be 18! =)
of course, that is just one insane ranting as usual.
yet of course, with the usual dosage of bubbling effervescence. there are bound to be some spilled milk and the mundane head chore affairs to handle. and yes, it includes the attitude of some. and bound to include work. so if u aint going to hang around and see me babbling, den you should just go elsewhere.
i finally know the importance and uniqueness of family/kinship. recently, got the knowledge that one loved one might be on the road to leaving us. i felt that instinctive fear, the fear of losing. life's that fragile aint it. just a knock on the wall, or a failure in certain who knows what organs could cause you to be diminished. all i know is, i would treasure them for good. no more empty talks and promises. i just hope that God would not take you from us, i already not have a complete family. please, be strong to fight the disease.
just seemed so many issues on my scarce brain space. academic issues has been the number one in my school career. i just cant wonder why cant i just stay in GYSS or let GYSS set up a GYJC or smth. which is much simpler and easier. stuck in this science course was not any one of my options. i was a business or a communications person. but, now, i dont seemed to be able to step out of this endless pit of mess. i've no idea what the future holds.
&& i would still want to say, i LOVE you. but i have neither confidence to woo or to commit to a relationship. and i know its selfish to keep things this way, but, leave it for me ya.