@ 3:20 PM
im shifting over to livejournal soon. but its not certain yet.and its the last official day wit E35E, well, it seemed just that yesterday when i walked into the class, feeling really disgruntled that my birthday falls on the first day of school and now, being the last day, it felt kinda emotional and sad. that the friendships established will once again be affected. judging from the previous semester, it was pretty evident. There was not much of a rapport or bonds with this class, so i'm not affected to any extent but i'm sure the rest will be. for me, it has been more of a routine, walking into the same class, i will just need some time in adjustments.
class still's going on, ending in probably, 5 mins, we did urine test today, it might disgust people as much as it did to me, but few people have such a chance. In a way, science taught me more constructive knowledge, that really explained the many occurrences in our environment. im not turning into a science freak, if thats what you are thinking.
friends, best friends, good friends, whatever friends, are they a label for formality sake or do you really mean it from deep within. im pretty sure that, to 2/3 of my cliques, be it school or outside, its simply a facade, otherwise explain why the bonds are broken so easily. perhaps, the only clique that has been with me all these 6 years would be the only one that I could really count on when trouble strikes. you know, to that random you, it really annoyed me tremendously when i was trying to tell you the ongoing happenings but there you were, singing your lungs out like you are having a concert, it dawn on me that, was it really that our friendship that mattered or i was must a side kick to entertain and help you past time?
to two really close friends that has been with me all this time, i truly really strongly appreciate that you have given me so much, although time and distance has made a fool outta us. with our results, we could have easily got into the same jc, but yet, we chose differing paths into poly, well, it truly is a test of friendship. can i still say, i will wait for you at the bench, till you are done? the everyday after school routine, the mega outburst, the sitting in front and foolishly giggles. having you two was the best time in gyss. sure is, 6 years and still going. thank you ah go go.