Friday, January 18, 2008
@ 2:24 PM
im shifting over to
Thursday, January 17, 2008
@ 9:25 AM
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
was on my desktop, going through the old chat logs, was reading and realized i was pretty juvenile in the past. then flipping through the old chat logs also meant one thing, in rp, and it's rather unique system of changing class every single semester. It's hard to maintain a long lasting friendship in this place.
i fucking miss you; you took me up and left me out
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
@ 12:07 AM
the tittle sounds really corny, but it's really how i totally feel right now.
Deep and Meaningless - Rooster
I, I don't know why I miss you so much
Yeah I, I don't know why I still feel your touch
You, you left me feeling high and dry
With nothing, nothing but the question why
Yeah you, I guess you had another direction
And leaving me with nothing but a dead connection
If you call me today
I'll say that I'm fine
But I bet you can tell by the tone of my voice
It's just a lie
You knew what you had
You still walked away leaving me in this mess
My love for you is deep and meaningless
You, you knew what you were doing to me
And I, I guess I was too blind to see
Well you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so bad
But I'd do it again to relive what we had
(Damn that's sad)
There are many things left to remind me
Of a love that I just can't leave behind me
Sunday, January 13, 2008
@ 10:29 PM
are you thinking of me like i of you?
im switching over to livejournal soon.
Monday, January 07, 2008
@ 11:34 PM
first day of school did not mean much to me. it was joyous seeing old faces and meeting people up again.
other than the more depressing news about the departure of one of my closer family friends. To me, it's like another grand uncle that showered me with lots of gifts and everything. as formy grandmother, it was like losing a piece of her flesh, it was a excruciating experience, having to experience the death of two of her closest siblings in the world within a year.
It did not struck me for awhile, other than the occasional recounts and recitals with the oncoming call from yet another family member,
hearing her sob over the phone totally shattered me, yet i chose to live in oblivion, like an escape, hearing her physical grief
i think that death is the beginning of the other route of life, always feared, embraced. its the cycle of life, for some, lucky enough to be free from pain and leave naturally; others, pain, for him, its a breakthrough, to be free from pain and everything.
though im not showing it; cause i can put up a great pretense, but im emotionally drained and affected.
&today you showed me the meaning of life and friends
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
@ 10:56 PM
2007 ended with a blast,
sushis, movies, subway, pubbing, countdown. shan't be too elaborate;
met up with the Farm, Cliques, CK, Tifanie, KEN
although did not meet up with anyone from school. =( but it's alright, i will see them next week!!!
caught I Am Legend; the show is absolutely great, will catch it the second time if i have the chance, the dog is absolutely gorgeous, of course, it's a female dog, SAMANTHA.

this is such a 'zombie/gory' season of movies. With 30 days of night and I am Legend, the only exception is Alvin and the Chipmunks.
there's a sushi store in takashimaya; at the basement, can't really recall the name but they served good sushis;

it was like only 5.6 for one of it, and it comes with free green tea but not that im cheapo or anything but, its a real good food;
a massive sale going on, it was really tough to see whats happening around;followed by a long new year's eve; with the gang, nick and xinmin. first, at Raffles City; with a such so rested our soles at Out Of the Pan, I shan't say its a restaurant, more of a high end cafe. The Crepes and Potato Salad is good.

walked more around city area and marina but before i could squander any more of my pitiable assets, we decided to head to Clarke Quay for a drink. but hell it was crowdly like fuck and it cab fare from Milenia Walk was like 9 fucking bucks thanks to the additional 4 dollars surcharge. like what the fuck is wrong with cab prices. went past MOS and was like. omg. huge crowd and big people. the crowd was pretty jubilant and insane, mad people dancing all over;
headed over to Brewerks;
massive cam whore.
First Shot; not prepared ;

Second Shot:

Third Shot; finally.